Event Highlights: RCCS Europe and Central Asia: Intercountry Exchange on Inclusive Education: Concluding Symposium

29 April 2024
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Credit: KIX EMAP Hub

On 8 February 2024, the KIX EMAP Hub hosted the Concluding Symposium of the Europe and Central Asia Intercountry Exchange on Inclusive Education, which took place within the framework of the KIX EMAP Rapid Customised Country Support (RCCS). Over 100 education experts from the region and beyond participated in the event to gain insights into the findings of this cross-country collaboration. The event was conducted in Russian and English with simultaneous translation. 

The RCCS activity was launched in July 2023 with the aim of facilitating the exchange of best practices in inclusive education among the five countries: Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Over several months of collaborative effort, national teams took an in-depth look at the state of inclusive education in the consortium countries. 

During the final session, each national team presented their findings, conclusions and recommendations regarding the policies and practices of inclusive education within their respective contexts. Additionally, the senior inclusive education expert shared insights from a comparative country analysis. The event concluded with a discussion to address questions from the audience, highlighting the significance of inclusive education across a broad spectrum of countries. 

The results of the consortium’s work, including the national situation analysis reports, inclusive education databases and comparative country analysis, will be published in the coming months.  

Watch the recording of the event and access country teams’ presentations to learn more.